There was only one college in 1941-42 in Bikane....
There was only one college in 1941-42 in Bikaner district and by 1948, the number of colleges raised to 6 including M.S. College of women in 1946. But M.S. College was located at the outskirts of the city.
The tradition bound society of Bikaner did not want to send their daughters to such a distant place. So women at large were deprived of higher education. Right from 1947 till 1980, there was little progress in the field of women education. Rajasthani Yuak Parishad Mumbai, founded in 1974, is registered society with an objective to promote higher education and cultural activities, invited Dr. B.D.Kalla on his being minister of higher education in Rajasthan Govt. to felicitate him. During this visit, while discussing area of social service, the idea of a college for women came to the surface. He promised RYP Members that he would not only get the Govt`s sanction for opening of the college but also obtain free allotment of land for the college. At that time only two colleges were opened up by Govt. in Rajasthan state : One at Bikaner and other at nohar. At that time, it was very difficult to get the permission from the Govt. to open the college, Dr. Kalla utilized his best influence within the Govt. to get the sanction of the college and fulfilled both his promises. Then RYP also responded positively with great zeal and enthusiasm. Although it was a collective effort of all the members, yet some notable office-bearer and executive members like Sh. N.K.Dammani, Sh. Ram Prasad ji Vyas, Sh. Shiv Narayan Daga, Late Sh. Prem Ratan Joshi, Late Sh. S.N.Pachissiya and many other persons of philanthropic energy are unforgettable for the college. The facility of higher education for women came to the door of the people living in the walled city. Every new beginning brings with its new apprehensions, apprehensions about the success of the college but that proved to be wrong. In 1987, only 60 students took admission in Arts. But the result of thee 1st year was amazing. All students passed and a tradition of 100% result took its roots deeply. This tradition still persists. Arts faculty with 11 subjects prospered with the passage of time under dynamic principal ship of Dr. Kamala Bhandhari. By the year 2003, 1472 girls graduated from this college. Indu Aseri (6th rank), Seema Verma (21th renk) Bhumeshwari (14th renk), Seema Vyas (35th renk) achieved and enhanced the reputation of the college in 1995, 1997, 1999 respectively. Academic target was achieved to some extent. The Number of Graduate by 2012 in Arts 9951. Still we had to pace up with time. The 4th April 1987 saw the rising of new sun, when the reverend Morari Bapu inaugurated the college on the western side of the city at Nathusar Gate. The establishment of M.D.S. University, Ajmer and Binani Kanya Mahavidhyalaya simultaneously was a happy coincidence. So the college got its affiliation from M.D.S. University. Now it is affiliated to M.G.S. University, Bikaner.